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  • There are no binding rules how and where to hide a geocache or how a geocache has to look like. The Opencaching team acts in the interest of the website's users…
    10 KB (1.489 Wörter) - 17:35, 5. Okt. 2023
  • Während der Installation der Programme oder Einrichtung der Testumgebung kann es zu diversen Fehlern und Meldungen kommen. Im Folgenden sind bereits bekannte…
    15 KB (1.527 Wörter) - 18:09, 6. Mai 2024
  • professionelles und zuverlässiges Arbeiten bekannt. Das ist vor allem den „alten Hasen“ zu verdanken, die in der Vergangenheit immer souverän agierten und sich…
    5 KB (597 Wörter) - 18:03, 10. Jun. 2018
  • Diese Checkliste dient als kleines Hilfsmittel für Neulinge und alte Hasen, ob man die allgemeinen Empfehlungen bzw. Erfordernisse beim Verstecken und…
    5 KB (521 Wörter) - 20:30, 16. Jul. 2015
  • Issues: OCDE "Reference Point or Stage" has inconsistent mappings to GC (Reference Point) and OKAPI (Stage) OCPL has two different GPX generators used in…
    1 KB (61 Wörter) - 17:18, 5. Mai 2024
  • new geocaches in your area. Please, ensure that your user profile always has a valid email address! It is important not only for receiving notification…
    2 KB (270 Wörter) - 12:09, 22. Jul. 2015
  •, and Opencaching has a powerful search engine with many options to select caches and narrow your…
    5 KB (616 Wörter) - 14:13, 20. Jul. 2015
  • Click on the geocache name to open the geocache's listing. If the geocache has additional waypoints then they show up on the map after clicking on the geocache…
    6 KB (768 Wörter) - 13:58, 30. Dez. 2015
  • the option "hide GC listings" is not foolproof. The data maintenance team has a list of redundant listed geocaches. These geocaches will also be hidden…
    4 KB (510 Wörter) - 21:46, 31. Dez. 2015
  • and - hereafter "Opencaching websites" - which has been contributed by users is licensed under the terms of "Creative Commons…
    4 KB (553 Wörter) - 22:26, 20. Jul. 2015
  • ROLE_SOCIAL, ROLE_SOCIAL_TRAINEE, ROLE_TEAM and ROLE_USER. Every logged in user has ROLE_USER. Permissions are linked to different roles which can be seen as…
    2 KB (196 Wörter) - 19:31, 13. Mai 2024
  • additional page that shows recommendations split per region. The European Union has a system to split the member countries into regions for purposes of socio-economic…
    1 KB (236 Wörter) - 12:07, 4. Sep. 2015
  • all of them. There are three status: ignore the attribute (grey), geocaches has the attribute (blue), geocaches without the attribute (grey crossed out).…
    1 KB (709 Wörter) - 05:57, 8. Sep. 2015
  • to find a stash. You should decide the type of geocache first because it has influence on the need of one or more hiding places or none. inappropriate…
    11 KB (1.599 Wörter) - 11:10, 23. Jul. 2015
  • Variablen eingesetzt werden, z.B. {t 1=$cachename 2=$username}The geocache %1 has been found by %2{/t} Notfalls direkt im PHP-Code durch Aufruf von $translate->t()…
    39 KB (4.678 Wörter) - 09:53, 15. Sep. 2015