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OConlys are very special geocaches!

Das OConly Logo
Das OConly Logo

What is an OConly?

An OConly is a geocache that is only listed at OC, meaning The geocache owner enabled the OConly attribute in the geocache's listing. These exclusive OC geocaches are the "heart" of - you can not find them anywhere else. You can support by publishing OConly geocaches. Currently there are 6000 geoaches with the OConly attribute and additional 3000 OConlys without the attribute.

How do I find OConlys

An easy way to find OConlys is to enable the OCOnly attribute as filter option on the Opencaching map. Afterwards you will only see the OConlys on the map.

You could also activate the filter option "hide GC listings". This filter hides all geocache listings which contain a link to Theoretically the remaining geocaches are OConlys without the corresponding attribute enabled. However, some owners do not add links to additional geocache listings on Therefore using the option "hide GC listings" is not foolproof. The data maintenance team has a list of redundant listed geocaches. These geocaches will also be hidden.

The OConly map

You can also use the OConly map. This map is at an external website and not part of The OConly map is using the geocache data from
  • Click on the symbol on the right side (non-GC) to display all geocaches which have a listing on but not on The result contains all OConlys and some geocaches with multiple listings on other websites like Navicache.
  • Click on the OConly symbol in the middle to display only geocaches with enabled OConly attribute.
  • Click on the ? symbol to display OConly geoaches with an unclear status, meaning the data maintenance team has indication the geocache might not be hidden anymore. You can support the data quality by seeking those geocaches and reviewing them. Please, give us feedback on the OConly map.

How do I mark a geocache as OConly?

The activated OConly attribute

Open the listing of the geocache and click the Edit button. Activate the OConly attribute in the section Cache attributesand Save the listing.


OConly-81 ist eine sportliche Herausforderung bei der es darum geht, OConly-Caches in möglichst vielen Schwierigkeits- und Geländewertungen zu finden. In deinen Benutzerprofil-Einstellungen kannst du unter „Details“ die OConly-81-Statistik aktivieren, die dann in deinem öffentlichen Benutzerprofil erscheint.

Event-Teilnahmen werden in der Statistik nicht mitgezählt.

Da viele Owner ungenaue Wertungen für ihre Caches angeben, manchmal sogar absichtlich – um den Cache einfacher erscheinen zu lassen oder um Lücken in der OConly-81-Matrix zu füllen – hat diese Statistik nur begrenzte Aussagekraft.

Farbige Hervorhebung der OConlys auf der Karte


Seit der Version 5 vom März 2013 werden die OConly Cachesymbole auf der Karte, im Gegensatz zu Mehrfachlistings, in mit einem hellblauen Hintergrund hinterlegt. So kann man sie schnell eindeutig als OConly auf der Karte erkennen. Darüber hinaus wird, sofern mehrere Symbole auf Grund ihrer Nähe übereinander liegen, das OConly Symbol immer zuoberst erscheinen.

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