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You can log geocaches online and offline. An offline log means signing the geocache's logbook. An online log means writing an entry in the geocache's listing at the Opencaching website.

For online logs you need to register at the Opencaching webiste to get a free user account.

The online log is an opportunity to give feedback to the geocache's owner. Did you enjoy seeking the geocache? Is the geocache somehow special? Please, share your experience online. Is something wrong with the container or the neighborhood? Note a hint or suggestion for improvement in the online logbook.

Where to log online?

The first step is to log offline in the geocache's logbook. But after returning home it is time to log online.

  1. Visit the Opencaching website.
  2. Login with your username and password.
  3. Enter the OC-Code into the little waypoint search field in the top right corner of the web page anf click Go.
  4. Click on the Log this cache button.
  5. Choose the type of log-entry.

The most common log types


If you found a geocache, use the Found entry to log it. Many owners frown upon so called short logs. It is considered as bad manner. Please, take the time to write a nice entry telling the owner something about your geocaching tour and if you liked the cache or not. Was it easy to find or a challenge? Be kind and say thank you to the owner. If something is wrong with the geocache, needs to be criticized or there were any problems, don't hesitate to tell the owner. Remember to be polite and do not insult.

Not found (DNF)

Even if you did not find a geocache, you should log it with a “not found” log. DNF logs are a good indication for the owner that something could be wrong with the geocache. If there are no logs for some time the owner would usually think, that everything is okay and just noone is seeking.

You should add information why you did not find the geocache. Was there absolutely nothing to find at an obvious hiding place? Did you see remainings of a possible cache container? Was the hint making no sense (anymore)? Was the place crowded with muggles? Did you forget necessary equipment?

In case there was a reason causing you to stop seeking the geocache, you should add that information to the log. A hiding place could be overgrown with stinging nettles or someone put trash all around. A building site fence could also temporarily block the way. Don't hesitate to inform the owner.


The log type Note is very useful to just write a note to the owner. Any issue, problem, full logbook, damage to the container or irritating description could be reported. If the hint is not applicable anymore, tell the owner. You can also write a "could-not-seek" log, for example if the geocache was not accessible due to a building site, a barrier or other reasons.

Will attend

The log type Will attend is used for event caches. It is common practice to use that type to register for an event. Thus the organiser knows how many people want to attend.


You can write an Attended log after an event to tell others about your experiences and say "Thank you" to the organiser .


If you like a geocache at Opencaching you can recommend it to other cachers. Geocaches with many recommendations are listed at the home page of the Opencaching website. You can tag a recommendation to a geocache when writing your log entry. Just check the box This cache is one of my recommendations. Any registered cacher on the Opencaching website can recommend geocaches. But - first you need to find 10 geocaches yourself. ;-) You get 1 recommendation star awarded per 10 finds of geocaches. After you got your first star, you can recommend your first geocache.

Text field

The text field at the Add log-entry page is for entering all your notes, hints, information and stories according to your log type.

There are three ways of text formatting:

  • The button Text activates a text-only mode without any formatting.
  • The button <html> allows to enter text with HTML formatting. You can also use an external HTML editor and then copy and paste its source code into the field.
  • The botton Editor activates the easy-to-use built-in text editor.

Click on Log this cache to submit your log entry.

Log password

A log password is a special feature - mostly used for virtual geocaches. Virtual geocaches do not have a hidden container. Instead you often need to find some word or nummer which then will be used as password to log online. The password field only appears if a password is required.

Log a change of status

Since Opencaching version 8 there are four new log types to change the status of a geocache:

  • ready for search
  • temporarily not available
  • archived
  • locked

If you want to change the status, you need to write a corresponding log entry. Triggered by your log the system automatically sends notification emails to watchers of your geocache. The status changes of a geocache can now be found in the online logbook.

Delete a log

Unter Umständen kann es sein, dass man ein bereits geschriebenes Log wieder löschen möchte. Die Gründe dafür können vielfältig sein. So kann man sich z.B. beim Loggen einfach vertan haben, oder man möchte als Owner nicht 25 gleiche Statuslogs untereinander stehen haben etc....

Das Löschen eine Logs ist recht einfach: Im eingeloggten Zustand erscheinen in der Überschrift der Logs neben Datum, Namen und Logtyp drei Buttons. Einer davon ist Löschen:


Benutzt man diesen Button, wird man noch einmal gefragt, ob man diesen Logeintrag löschen möchte. Bestätigt man dies, wird der Logeintrag entfernt.

Auch als Owner kann man die Logeinträge von Findern seiner Caches löschen. Dies sollte jedoch nie aus einer Laune heraus geschehen, z.B. weil man denjenigen nicht mag, sondern immer einen triftigen Grund haben. Gründe dafür könnten z.b. sein, dass im Log nicht tragbare politische (z.B. rechtsradikale) oder beleidigende Äußerungen gemacht wurden. Man sollte sich vor allem immer im Klaren darüber sein, dass der Finder – er wird per Email über die Löschung benachrichtigt – wenig begeistert sein wird und sich u.U. am Cache rächen wird. Kaum zu glauben, aber so etwas kommt leider immer wieder vor. Daher ist dieser Schritt in jedem Fall gut zu überlegen.

In der Überschriftszeile von Fremdlogs hat der Cachebesitzer ebenfalls neben Namen, Datum und Logtyp den Löschen-Button, den er wie oben beschrieben nutzen kann. Dabei kann und sollte eine Erläuterung eingegeben werden, warum das Log gelöscht wird. Sie wird dem Logger zusammen mit dem gelöschten Text zugesandt.

Upload picture

After submitting your online log you can additionally upload a picture - if you want or need as a requirement for your log.

  1. Go to your log entry and click on Upload picture
  2. Optional: Enter a name or description for the image.
  3. Click on Browse and choose an image file from your computer.
  4. If uploading a spoiler picture, activate the checkbox This picture is a spoiler - don't show a thumbnail.
  5. Note the hints on the page regarding uploading files!
  6. Click on Upload.